When something is missing, it is compelling to the self, it calls us and often becomes more important than those things around us or present. A piece missing, a need, a want, a void implies existence of something that fits either before, now or tomorrow. Our heart, the seat of intelligence with its immense bio electrical output and being the originator of all emotion, calls us, syncopates with the brain, sending scalar wave forms loaded with emotional tonality and cellular memory from the cells in the heart. The FELT reality of the 'missing' piece riding upon that which we want and that which we are not getting.
Our emotions are feeling tones wherein truth and intelligence resides, followed from heart and its yearning we can be led to the origins of the missing or undesirable states we experience. The difference begins at 6 weeks old within a fetus when the first beating of a heart begins, the Amygdala begins forming after our first beat, with it all the cellular memory of the experience within the womb, the placenta, fluids, the fear of losing begins and with the joys of being submerged within water, fed and movement brings happiness. Our polarity begins, the yearning, the fire element of heart ignites, we now have difference, inspiration and the missing pieces.
The missing always implies more reality than the present, we know a piece will fit because its outline exists, its shadow, like a piece of a jig saw it lays a map and provides clues to the healing we are driven towards. Our emotions followed, always lead us to the belief that generated the tone, not the other way around, in other words the heart first then the brain. The heart is the command centre and the brain processes the information. A quick look at science for those inclined will yield such results. The heart produces 5000 times more electrical out put of the brain and it is the bodies toroidal field generator, it reads and attracts through emotion passing on the information to the brain, it can alter DNA, no other force within the organism can do this. and it syncopates with others brain activity when we are within field. Emotions such as grief and anger, pain and guilt suppress our heart function, 50 trillion cells flee from negative states, they only coerce and grow enhancing immune system function and attracting like energy when the positive states are present.
So, Fear is inhibiting on a cellular level, the cells can only be in growth or protection at any one time. Between the pulsations of the heart we have our void and the rhythm of the heart beat, it is dependent on the difference and missing piece that we have referred to earlier - in between is intelligent oscillation, vibratory in nature and loaded with the essential principles to fill in our blueprint, our road map. Our traumas, our pains, our wants, our failures are all gifts leading us to the oscillation, the energy that pumps, that gives life, that feeds us, that compels us, that leads us to desire to change, our challenges are just that, they have been established ahead of time. We create the challenges because the pieces missing imply that pieces fit, just as our heart beats and knows the beat structure and that it will continue to beat.
We are lead to Iboga through this beating, this emotional yearning, this cellular syncopation between heart and brain, this knowing that which exists already but is hidden - they are our challenges, our traumas, our scars have answers between pulsations, it is written in the emotional field. Iboga increases scalar activity between heart and brain, this canceling out of two frequencies to open a space to incorporate and generate new waveforms of emotions is the piece we feel missing, our trauma without answer, it is the heart beat, it is the polarity and emotion calling you to look at what you have in your kit bag to fix this and Iboga accelerates this process.
We know this to be true in so many ways, Iboga is heart medicine, not a heart threat, our journeys heal, they accelerate cell growth, emotional function between heart and brain, you are shown the gaps, the in between, the rhythms, the emotions loaded with the intelligence of choice is what is given from the spirit of Iboga, the good and the bad so we can make those choices beyond polarity. We are given love and guidance by Iboga which means we are thinking through heart with Iboga and if the heart is the seat of the soul as we know it in Epigenetics, Quantum physics and various spiritualities and through the initiated individual, not to mention the great pyramids of Giza where the two types of granite are offset to mimic the heartbeat and brain of the mother and child, then Iboga brings us to the missing where we choose through heart, from the void beyond time, beyond our human pulse, on our journey our rhythm of heart sustains us. We can thank our emotional trauma that has been created through that which one desires and one is not getting, the off set rhythm generating the emotion and within this knowledge the reasons for our choices and the answers to our emancipation.
Iboga works to enhance heart brain neural interaction, our heart is the soul, it runs at 128hz at this chakra and many experiments have required that EEG need to be run at 128 when testing with Iboga to read brain wave states more accurately. It is essential that we provide our medical testing to our providers of choice. It is essential that we choose initiated facilitators who are trained with the medicine. It is essential we do our HEART preparation by embracing our challenge and knowing the pieces exist because you watched them fall away and the heart beats on the back of the non beat. But fear of our heart is not the fear or trepidation we need when considering Iboga, knowing it is powerful heart medicine, full of love and connection when it is delivered with spirit. The facilitators of Bwiti carry this guidance and deep protection required for the heart and brain, for the soul, for your physical self.
Your heart will be cleansed, I know this because this is close to me, my first experience frightened me. I had many blockages and the medicine worked powerfully in the area I needed, being my heart. My fears because of prevalent dis information regarding Iboga and the heart made my time awkward but I discovered after returning and opting for another EKG that my heart had actually altered. Its left side was clearer in measurement as I integrated my new found choices and smoothed over the negative beliefs patterns affecting heart.
We wish everybody the utmost of love for heart. I am indebted to the knowledge Iboga has imparted personally and now indebted to you all for reading this ridiculously long post.
Iboga is love, choice is love , Bwiti is love, love is strength, like a strong heartbeat. Basse! Join us sometime for a traditional Bwiti experience with Iboga. New dates coming with incredibly dedicated facilitators. Join us March, then ask us about our structure and time table after this month. Love and emancipation are yours.