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The knowledge that is required is not given through an initiation, it is spiritually accrued, earnt and adapted through one's levity of heart, readiness and devotion to Nziambe. No amount of initiations will be adapted by any aspirant without this readiness of spirit and what signifies the lack of such preparedness is a want to be initiated to achieve a title, to fulfill an agenda such as selling Iboga retreats or promoting Western tourism or business that seeks material gain via plant medicine fraternities. These are material attempts through agenda to achieve spirit which renders this very attempt blind, mechanical and impossible for its goal to be realised in truth.
Now, there are many who will take a seeker of initiations money for you to achieve your blind title and abuse a culture to make this happen. You will bleed amongst sharks without true knowledge. But know this, true Bwete cannot be seen by a blind calling or agenda alone. Nziambe Kana protects the spiritually clean from such things. The negative spiritual forces that may profit from Bwete and its fake initiations will invite those blind into a temple of promised new vision and continue this perpetual extortion of and working in opposition to truth in wholeness which is the requirement for the understanding of true Bwete. Once more, the initiation process in its brilliant truth that saves souls, cannot be realised through blind want and material exchange of money. An impossibility. The Neophyte must be knowing, pure and worthy, proven by the community with time spent living as Bandzi and this community to be functioning according to clean and pure Bwete. Ask yourself, why would Bwete exist at all if we were able to merely buy an initiation into something that clearly is antithetical to divisions such as those created by material exchange? Why without studying the great celestial knowledge through a process of living and breathing Bwete, could I achieve such things? especially considering that we have Bandzi doing such in Gabon for their entire life and still have not achieved this position. Ask questions before creating pressure upon cultures. Bwete will not be revealed to someone paying by such methods, firstly those selling them have already broken the spiritual cause by offering and nothing can begin to be adapted starting out this way. The entheogenic tourism promoted in the West subliminally promotes neo colonial extortion by praying upon those that are weak and needy. In turn, the impoverished Gabonaise are also exploited into selling off their culture and knowledge through this greed that is money and its design to enslave the entire planet and prevent it from realising the very thing one may learn in the initiation process. Are we paying attention? Bwete is learnt in living and working for Nziambe Kana in self and you cannot see its truth or become it no matter how many ceremonies are paid for without living a life devoted to the very principles of Bwete. Without living completely free of all contradictions in ones life and significantly developing wholeness or living generally a dual life, which means you must not be profiting in the West whilst living outside of the tradition that is materially sustaining you, you do not have other jobs, live away from the forest, work with other plants or traditions or change and adapt Bwete protocol, Bwete is lost to you and whatever title you think you may have achieved is non existent. You must be moving with Nziambe Kana in constancy, without reaction to becoming anything at all, for all becoming in personal ambition divides and destroys relationship which is the premise of Bwete, firstly Imbutu, reconciliation with God and secondly its resultant brotherhood of man in Unity. The task of going to Gabon to be initiated according to the tradition and what it requires which I am elucidating here means little other than you spending money to sustain an illusion that divides man from one another and generates extortion. From this, is bred jealousy, greed, envy and ambition which fuels the westerners collective trauma of war and conquering those deemed as different and a threat. I speak truth in volumes especially if this is reactive for any individual. To protect, preserve and sustain true spirituality we must consider what we think we 'need', investigate with great sensitivity outside of a conditioned western mindset, have patience, purity of heart and a want to devote oneself to wholeness eternally. Then and only then can you begin this never ending journey. So reconsider your 'want' to be initiated without such deep knowledge and look towards God in self, becoming whole, purifying one's heart and realising that one is all they experience. There is one and only way to ensure a pure direction with ones want with Initiation and that is to consider an age old Bwete purification process called Mososo. A process that does not seek to materially profit, a place upon which all funds are appropriated into the preservation and protection of this great culture, the world's true Spirituality. A place where one is forever aligned with the center of the earth today and promises to save the soul to ensure its realisation of its highest principle. To be clean and prepared to face our life with the wholeness required for healthy function and all this without the fear that our wants bring us. Ask us at Mboka A Nziambe about Mososo and why we offer this to the west. It is significantly outside of the western exploitation and a true rite to be cleansed and purified. This process is the only way to begin a true understanding of Bwete and something now lost to the world. It is what first existed before any initiations or invitations were offered to an outsider. If you want true protocol, tradition and culture, Mososo is a life changing event that will bring one's true calling to their ears, not a calling that one wants. Learn more at
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