Ikara's mission is to provide a space and collaborate with Iboga providers in an effort to support their ongoing dedication and work to the study of Bwiti practice and the healing of others.
By working collectively we open up and strengthen our scope, providing greater choice for all those seeking Iboga as the tool that reunites the self with soul and liberates the spirit. Our team provides opportunities for those seeking Iboga to feel out that which resonates with them personally, that which feels comfortable and felt to be correct for the particular individual. It has been said, it takes a village to raise a child and our Bwiti family here at Ikara hold firm to this premise. As individuals and providers of Iboga medicine, our team offers unique skillsets, experiences and capacities to our guests enhancing the healing of Iboga. It is our deepest intent to pass on Ikara's namesake, 'a place of initiation, convergence and meeting' to people by sharing in a collective of Bwiti providers to strengthen and bolster the Bwiti traditions. Providers need opportunities to offer their wisdom and ensure people have access to the great healing potentials of Iboga as seen through the lens of Bwiti tradition. Our direction to open up a team, to offer our home, is an extension of the intent to heal all those seeking truth of self and liberty from trauma through Iboga. We introduce our team here, Discoveriboga Church of America, Ibogawaken and others, await all those seeking love, nurture and empathy of self through Iboga medicine and Bwiti teachings. Join us and our team of providers for powerful remodeling of self and transformative journeys of freedom through the coming schedule. Discover Iboga Retreat Dates at Ikara - May 6 to 13th 2021 - June 24 to 1st July 2021 - July 22 to 27th 2021 - October 21 to 26th 2021 Ibogawaken Retreat Dates at Ikara - 30th July to 6th Aug 2021 - 8th Aug to 14th Aug 2021 - 20th Aug to 27th Aug 2021 - 29th Aug to 5th Sep 2021 - 10th Sep to 17th Sep 2021 - 19th Sep to 26th Sep 2021 We are taking bookings for private groups and in between our set schedules we have availability for provisions and retreats. We will be announcing more dates shortly. Check out our providers sites here and enquire about our Costa Rica retreats. https://ibogausa.org/ https://www.ibogawaken.com/ #iboga #Bwiti #spiritualawakening #plantmedicines #traumahealing #love #costaricaretreat #divinefeminine #neuralplasticity #ayahuasca #mindcleanse #epigenetics #psilocybe #dmtworld #entheogens #peyote #kambo #spiritualawakening #spiritualemergency #observanceofself #ChooseLove #psychospiritual #consciousness #nonattachment #rudolfsteiner #davidbohm #krishnamurti #terencemckenna #DennisMckenna #paulstamets #entheogenesis Comments are closed.