Every day I try to capture the fact that when you look out from Ikara Retreat Centre to the view, the ocean seems to exist in a space higher in altitude than our retreat centre, and yet it is at sea level. You can see in this photo the top of the yoga deck and the blue line above it is the ocean. Yes, yes.... parallax error for sure, I know it all too well from my physics degree but everyday it amazes me because it definately denies all laws of physics. Some days the vista provided by the ocean is so immense, I see it and I do not believe it......it continues to change in all dimesions at different times of the day and I am constantly astonished, everyday, when I look out, I take notice and I make sure that I never forget, that every day is different and not to take this for granted. In reality, this photo is so unable to capture the reality I see through my eyes, compared to how it looks in real life, I apologize for this poor representation. And then again, I am totally incapable of even beginning to know how it looks to you. The sentiment of this reminded me of this quote "Your eye knows it sees , though it cannot see itself except through the use of reflection. In the same way the world as you see is a reflection of what you are, a reflection not in glass but in three dimensional reality . You project your thoughts, feelings, expectations outward, then you percieve them as the outside reality. When it seem to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections" NoPR 1974 So in this sense, you cannot even see it how I see it in reality, you need to see it for yourself. Its always going to be that way. "Now you may take a break." #costaricaretreat #costaricaretreat2021 #janeroberts #sethmaterial #physics #threedimensionalreality #love #parallax #observation #thegreatsages Comments are closed.