Young MIOBE NGANGA's from @mboka_a_nzambe wait for their spiritual father KING ADUMANGANA to take them into the forest so that may learn more about the plants that they will use later in life to treat patients.
For these children, it is their greatest moment, they do not want for an ipad, they want this. When the children play together in the village, none of them have toys, they simply play "ceremonies" and enact what they see the older NGANGA's doing in ceremonies. They already know all the dances, the songs, or they play the drums. They eat IBOGA everyday. They look after eachother, they have responsibility and they have the privilege of being what children are meant to be. They are able to retain their innocence and just be children. This is what King Adumangana is working so hard to preserve. Under his guidance, this village remains true to their traditional ways of life and with our help, and yours, is able to sit peacefully outside of modern society. #nganga #iboga #indigenous #plantmedicine #herbalism #naturopath #ceremonies #rituals #gabon #africa #wisdomkeepers Comments are closed.