Everyday I read amazing books written by philosophers, physicists, yogis & psychics coming from seemingly disparate origins, in very different times, different societies and backgrounds. Comparatively, they all speak of the same concepts in their own way, these are the great thinkers. I am lucky to be able to sit here, in this time, and see this union of material in the modern age. It is reassuring to me and confirming to see how this reinforces the concept that everything originates from the one source. The same teachings emerge without conditional restraints.
The spiritual realm exists but we do not see it. To avoid getting caught in physical structures, we need to be reminded that other realities exist now unconstrained by space and time. If you seek proof, plant spirits such as Iboga, allow you to commune with your inner self when taken as intended through tradition, ethic and love. It must be done soon, before everything is watered down and people turn around and say that “positive thinking didn't work” or the “plant medicines” don't work. You need proof (other than the obvious one), that you create your reality, connection to other realms of existence can be the signal to startle your thinking processes into new creative structures and to bring to fruition that which you want in this physical life. There is a biological, psychological and electrical component to every belief, action, emotion and thought. This is a creating universe not a created one (Walter Russel) . That is the beauty of life here. So we should all start living and if you are not living, Iboga can help rattle your cage until you can see this beauty again. Iboga has the reputation of not being the gentlest of #plantspirits, this is because it speaks to you physically first, your ego is always present (but not in control) and it can learn to listen to the inner self. Iboga can go further. Iboga may not seem as “accessible” as other teachers, but it is only different. It is safely earthed, Iboga is loving & magically tailor-made and hence this is why it becomes so effective in curing these modern day maladies which are all formed first in the psychological realm. Connect to your inner senses and recognize the #eternalvalidityofthesoul through IBOGA. Iboga retreats at ikararetreat.com/iboga.html Comments are closed.