"The word 'YOGA' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'YUJ' which means to bind, join, attach and yoke, to direct and concentrate the attention in order to use for meditation. Yoga is therefore, the art which brings an incoherent and scattered mind to a reflective and coherent state. It is the communion of the human soul with divinity.
Yoga is the union of the individual self and the universal self. Yoga is practical being a system of thought and life. Knowledge without action and action without knowledge do not help man."- B.K.S Iyengar. Have we already seen enough Yoga? Do we already feel we know Yoga? Have we finished a 200 hour yoga teacher training course and now teach people sequences of physical posture without consideration to the principles of the study of life? Do we teach the philosophy in our actions? Costa Rica is the worlds most saturated country for yoga retreats and teaching. Teaching however is dependent upon a teachers ability to act according to the principles of life which is yoga itself. Yoga is approachable and designed for all human beings walking the path of integrating the mind and the body, this is what it is. Yoga does not require one to be flexible physically, a lot of our great sages whom we study yoga from today and have gifted us yoga came to yoga through physical disability, not their need to feel materially acceptable as flexible and beautiful bodied images. This is not yoga, this is designer, watered down, sold yoga, packaged as something relaxing, good for you and making you look great. This is not integrating the self with the universal self, binding oneself within life to overcome physical and mental debilitating states which are illusory. Yoga is for all, for the individual, according to the individual and nothing more. It is every bodies by birth rite and should be offered as such. Well if we felt we already knew yoga this would mean we knew life in its entirety and knowing this is an impossibility, one can start to understand that Yoga is an artform of the self. Your body and mind are the canvases upon which you generate your physical experience from your deep connections to the infinite mental selves in equilibrium. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW HOW YOGA ORIGINATED, HOW IT FOLLOWS AN EIGHT FOLD PATH OF WHICH JUST ONE OF THESE PATHS REPRESENTED IS PHYSICAL POSTURE? Through Yoga as it as intended we are gifted the eternal knowledge to master and therefore assume the qualities of mind through learning the art of observance which comes from the practice of concentration upon aligning and building bridges between the physical, mental, intelligent and soul selves. Join IKARA on a journey of self to self to realise what Yoga truly becomes within the individual.. A study of life as realised in the Bwiti system for Iboga medicine. Unification of self as intended through ancient wisdom. LEARN Observation LEARN Concentration LEARN the qualities of mind and their amendments. LEARN The ability to withdraw and refocus senses with aperture like control. LEARN Pranayama, the art of respiration, its anatomy and biological responses. Not fancy breathwork rehashed from ancient principles. FINALLY LEARN to apply and align the skills within the physical postures of yoga and within physical life. Unified control and balance. True yoga will reflect all of the natural functions we experience in nature which is within us all as individuals. To practice Yoga is to learn to live and through living to leave behind states of mental and physical imbalance. Without the intention of practicing yoga according to Patanjalis sutras and the eight fold path is likened to taking plant medicine without traditional knowledge and guidance. It can only go so far and more often than not one is set adrift upon a sea of confusion. The systems are there for us to utilise, they are systems for the individual, not for the mass. WHY do we come to stretch our bodies, in merely stretching we move away from knowledge of why we originally felt need to stretch. Are we not looking at wanting to stretch the mind? We seek suppleness of mind and body, effortless movement of mind and body, nourishment of the physical joints and the neural networks joins, tissues and organs. To stretch is to fight oneself, to unify and access the electrical system of the body through this unification is to be at one with the body. LETS UNIFY MIND AND BODY AT IKARA. All of our disciplines reflect this unification. Ikara is sharing in the unification of soul with self. Join us for our Hatha Workshop, for private yoga tuition or our weekly classes. https://www.ikararetreat.com/hathayoga.html #iyengaryoga #sheathsofbeing #patanjaliyogasutras #eightfoldpath #unificationofmind #bwiti #iboga #yoga #yogapractice #hathayoga #hathayogateacher #costaricayoga Comments are closed.