This reality is a projection of consciousness. We project our consciousness from a multitudinous, time free, infinite cosmos into one that is constrained in only 4 planes that can only be experienced through sensory data. We accept these conditions when we arrive and in the translation, the portion of psyche that sustains our image here too easily forgets the source of its own being.
We see the macro repeated in the micro - In the macro "The One Source of Wholeness" projects its multitudinous unconstrained totality, into the universe of sensing on a defined physical plane. Similarly, in the micro, our mind then project thoughts that in turn create our experience. We think that our experience defines up but, in fact, it is us that defines our own experiences. So become aware of how you are creating that which you experience, connect to the "Universe of knowing" with IBOGA , feel that you are already everything that you need to be, and create a life free from dis-ease, dis-harmony and imbalance. The ability to change starts when we first accept that which we do no like about ourselves. Iboga shows us the truth about the origins of our physical selves, of genesis. but more importantly, it shows us that for most of our loves we have been disconnected from our source, from our soul, consciousness, All That IS, God, TETA NZIAMBE KANA. This is has led us off the yellow brick road, this is what has led to our dis ease, confusion, listlessness, and failures. Through IBOGA, we can repair the connection that we severed through our own ignorance and distraction. When we reconnect, we clearly see, that at any point in time, anything is possible if we are willing to see the truth.
This joy is realized through their servitude to Nziambe Kana. The Nganga pray through dance and song, moving and singing to Nziambes rhythms. Through this, we manifest and lead his radiance so that he can contemplate his creations through our eyes, always returning in kind to the source. Bwete serves the highest principle and the only common ancestor.
Without action there are only words. Modern society is adept at this construct. If you listen to others, there is only abstraction. So what is it that you have not yet found within yourself? You made a fortress, Iboga "could" be your key, but in reality, there is only you.
So simply put, you cannot see that the malaise you experience, you actually created. Now it is true, that consciousness has left for us, on this earth, a plant that enables you to see past the physical constructs that your mind has created. Would you not take this opportunity of redemption? Like some beautiful puzzle, you always have the final piece. Your soul is waiting in essence, but it has eternity on its side, it is only you that is bound by conditioning. Iboga enables you to create balance in your life, for life is about living, and living is spirituality in motion.
Unbalanced thinking is known as dis ease. Iboga allows you to explore your psychological self, to see the patterns of behaviours formed by your beliefs that initiate your everyday thoughts and manifest as experiences. It is a tool for you to create balance in life, for life is about living, and living is spirituality in motion.
Everything that we know & everything that we will come to know is already in-formation waiting to unfold into manifest reality, it's the implicate waiting to become explicate. It then enfolds back to its source.
Through this understanding, you create, you can heal, Iboga can teach you. You can know this intellectually, but what good is that? Iboga can make it an emotional reality and from this you can then apply it to your life. All the cells in your body are listening to you right now! Awaiting your instructions. Being physical in nature, it sometimes seems that the illness could not be a result of the mind, of thought, and this leads to an inability to see what we are creating. I see no greater proof than those who come to Iboga to fix their physical illnesses. People come because they do not want to go on medication, or maybe they have already tried everything else without any success or relief. These physical symptoms which are so chronic in nature, which have plagued the person for years or a lifetime, are resolved in just 5 days. They do the work. They created it, and they change it with their soul connection through the spirit of Iboga.
When seeking an Iboga Retreat, seek a place where your identity can become. The identity for an Iboga retreat Centre is an individualised idea, and the offering is one of encouragement towards the individual's identity. Do not give your individual vision away and become awash in the offerings that can be collectively reiterated in popular culture today. Become yourself through Iboga. Identity is about you. Seek your identity. The mechanics are far deeper than they seem.
No one walks away empty handed, Iboga as it was always intended since time immemorial without straying will bring us to the love of ourselves once more. The dimensions to our healing wait and the ancestors anticipate your arrival. Free yourself with the ancient wisdom of Bwiti, learn the art of loving the self, to do this we need only seek Iboga as it was designed and intended. After Iboga you become deeply rooted in creaturehood, ready to embrace a new living experience. There is brilliance to be enfolded in every life. We are entwined with our spiritual heritage but the focus has to be here in the physical. Iboga allows you to perceive other fields of reality, allowing a connection to your soul so that you can heal and enrich your life.
To be joyous in life, is to be spiritual! This means you understand the purpose of living a physical existence. Without a doubt, that is what we are all doing now, so find joy. #iboga #connection #reality #heal #ibogaretreat #Bwiti The purpose of Iboga is to expose your truth. You can’t hide from Iboga. Although people try to control their experiences, it’s virtually impossible. You will fail miserably and suffer the consequences. Iboga is a spirit that deserves respect.
Many people facilitating this ancient experience believe they can offer it without the presence of God and Spirit. Bwiti is God. Iboga is Spirit. You are a mere human with no power over anything. A Nganga is someone who has been graced with Spirit inside them to help in the process of the experience. The experience is the presence of God. When people try to offer a program that is not in line with this, they are saying they know more than God and Spirit. This simply demonstrates the vastness of their ego. You are not God. You are not Spirit. You are mortal. Bow down to the power of Spirit and be grateful to be in the presence of God. -- Makonza (Bwiti Canada)) The labyrinthine nature of Iboga unfies subatomic, atomic, cellular, alchemical, biological and psychological processes within us. This propensity to organise is what cannot be seen and what cannot be known in the physical realm. With or without iboga our physical experience depends upon these complexities. So what is Iboga teaching? Well exactly this, that our existence is dependent upon and happens because of these infinite computations of the ever unfolding whole of which we are enveloped. Iboga makes us aware of this organisation. That we are more than a physical shell, wishing away life and waiting for the inevitable decay of the physical realm that holds us. It seeks to make us FEEL the infinite complexities that bind processes of mind and matter without the explanations we offer, such as this one in its ironic expression.
"Progress has nothing to do with time, you see, but with psychic and spiritual focus. Each play is entirely different from any other. It is not correct, therefore, to suppose that your actions in this life are caused by a previous existence, or that you are being punished in this life for crimes in a past one. The lives are simultaneous." —Seth Speaks, Session 521Use Iboga to focus in the spiritual realm and heal.
"Progress has nothing to do with time, you see, but with psychic and spiritual focus. Each play is entirely different from any other. It is not correct, therefore, to suppose that your actions in this life are caused by a previous existence, or that you are being punished in this life for crimes in a past one. The lives are simultaneous." —Seth Speaks, Session 521 If you are with dis ease, you are with resistance within the mind. The mind is you, your thought is yours to choose and to use, to navigate your experience. When we take others' ideas and experiences we lose our own. mind stays in control and collects experience, keeping us imprisoned. Spirituality and truth is obtained when we learn to change our attitude to mind, to recognize we are it, that we drive it, fuel it, nurture it, embody it. Through this process of Iboga we become sovereign, we connect to God. Bwiti is God.
There is much information on the internet about Iboga these days. it used to be more of a mystery. There is information on the chemical processes, scientific studies, testimonials, what's in it? what are the alkaloids? How does it affect me? - everyone has their own outlook, their experience, and you can get lost in all the (dis)information. It's not necessary.
The way I see it, some people like to know how a car works, the engine, the motor, the physics of it all, but for me, I need to get moving, I need to jump in the car and head off to a new place. A new experience. I don´t need to know the machinations. I want what I am creating by moving forward, in the process. The car is a tool to go somewhere else. Let Iboga be your tool and do not get caught up in all the information that is out there. Look towards your experience. Stop looking outside of the self. In the end it's just another perspective. Everyone is saying it…….. its you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you! Are you the you that you think you are, or is the you inside being blocked by the camouflage you created. Either way it's a win-win situation as you created it, you create it now, and the camouflage, the blockages you created them also and you can fix it. So no need to worry. Bueno Noticias. Let's get started here if you are searching for something in your life, then this presupposes that it already exists. You cannot seek something that does not exist. Therefore, there is no need to worry, just keep working on yourself and be quietly confident all will come to fruition. #Iboga can #help you in this #process.
Thought, process, action .....everything exists in your biological, psychological and electrical realities. Everyday I read amazing books written by philosophers, physicists, yogis & psychics coming from seemingly disparate origins, in very different times, different societies and backgrounds. Comparatively, they all speak of the same concepts in their own way, these are the great thinkers. I am lucky to be able to sit here, in this time, and see this union of material in the modern age. It is reassuring to me and confirming to see how this reinforces the concept that everything originates from the one source. The same teachings emerge without conditional restraints.
The spiritual realm exists but we do not see it. To avoid getting caught in physical structures, we need to be reminded that other realities exist now unconstrained by space and time. If you seek proof, plant spirits such as Iboga, allow you to commune with your inner self when taken as intended through tradition, ethic and love. It must be done soon, before everything is watered down and people turn around and say that “positive thinking didn't work” or the “plant medicines” don't work. You need proof (other than the obvious one), that you create your reality, connection to other realms of existence can be the signal to startle your thinking processes into new creative structures and to bring to fruition that which you want in this physical life. There is a biological, psychological and electrical component to every belief, action, emotion and thought. This is a creating universe not a created one (Walter Russel) . That is the beauty of life here. So we should all start living and if you are not living, Iboga can help rattle your cage until you can see this beauty again. Iboga has the reputation of not being the gentlest of #plantspirits, this is because it speaks to you physically first, your ego is always present (but not in control) and it can learn to listen to the inner self. Iboga can go further. Iboga may not seem as “accessible” as other teachers, but it is only different. It is safely earthed, Iboga is loving & magically tailor-made and hence this is why it becomes so effective in curing these modern day maladies which are all formed first in the psychological realm. Connect to your inner senses and recognize the #eternalvalidityofthesoul through IBOGA. Iboga retreats at To find spirit, to merge with Iboga and be guided to the nexus of your soul, you do not need to have a trauma to qualify your experience. Trauma is not an inevitability in spirit, therefore you do not need to find something that you will inevitably find within an infinite experience of the self which is you. We are infinite beings and within us we contain all experience within an infinite ever unfolding whole of which there is no beginning or end to our identities. This is what Iboga and Bwiti is. A showing of life beyond death, not a morbid fixation on trauma and its seemingly illusory inevitability. Iboga shows you create and project experience according to total volition, that you live beyond death and that your physically sensed traumas are the souls construct to motivate us to become more and realise that we create even our traumas.
Knowing this, Sure, Iboga will show you your traumas if this is what you want, you could also transcend the fixation to realise with the ancestors guidance that the traumas are mere distractions on your way to finding immortality which delivers one firmly above any idea of negativity and supposed happenings that torment the individual on the physical plane. If one wants to progress with Iboga, Bwiti, Nganga and Spirit and do this with lasting effervescence, realise the trauma show is just level 1 of infinite levels, so don't dwell here, this is just something you created to move into true knowing. This is a roadblock to the soul as you have maybe experienced in the physical experience. Know you create now so Iboga can move you to death then life again, the place where the ancestors reside amongst the dimensions of the self, this is the goal to ensure you transcend illusion forever. Your addiction, your trauma, your afflictions are mere speed humps, they are just the dangling carrot to get you to death and beyond, to where you live forever. Move past, move through, get out of the way of your self, you have had your chance here physically, if you are still suffering, get out of the way, let Iboga take you to the boss, to you where you remain immortal above and beyond pain. Arrive in the land of the co creating, work upon self, become the only true self that one may, live here and now in the physical, God dressed as the individual, doing the work, serving spirit. Iboga. Bwiti. Nganga. Ikara Collective wisdom is the death of knowledge. Let us express without want and without concern for the perceptions outside of ourselves, and let people bind to one another through love without static. Not creating from the point of self, not doing your work and constantly externalising someone else's wisdom is denying energetic accuracy between souls and induces slave master mentalities, the polarity becomes the prison, the new discourses that remain possible do not develop. It becomes that one assumes one has lots of knowledge because one passes on someone else's.
No plant can work with someone who continues to further the collective cause and avoids the self. If you have explored the entheogenic plant world and have had these supposed medicines more than twice without the above realisations, this should be enough of an indicator that they will not make a stupid person smarter. Rather, they will reward a soul willing to work and courageous enough to stand alone. No spirit says this more than Iboga as experienced through Bwiti spirit, as long as we get out of the way and listen to the life giving force without ego we will actively return to liberation. Constant ceremonies with plant medicine is the signal that something is awry and a blockage of great magnitude existent. When we seek to control, when we use the abundant energy gifted us from spirit to control desire we desire to prevent energy from manifesting truth. Why does any man seek control of another? It is too often framed within concern, but even here, concern is an attempt to control presupposed of fear, doubt and illusion. God knows no such limits and Iboga knows only to gift vision of the eye to those whom relinquish control of man. Control is the beginning of the closing aperture of vision, a generated self perpetuating state of myopia that drives one to attempt to use the eyes of another man to see as vision leaves the controller. I gift myself back to god, to spirit in reciprocity of the ever enduring offering of love that transcends the frailties of the fearful. We serve soul, no one owns another, no man owns spirit, no man owns Iboga, no man owns culture, no man owns anything. Man inhabits, connects with and becomes all things. Our sensing is changing all the time but our knowing remains unchanged. LOVE crushes FEAR, it brings it back to balance, to the bosom of its origin in LOVE. Thank you Iboga, thank you Bwiti. Thank you to all those whom believe and do not. We are all one.
#iboga #bwiti #ibogaretreatcentre #ibogatreatment #costaricaretreat #love #fear #soul #spiritualphilosophy #control #desire #spirit #fearful #culture #inhabits #senses #innersenses #emotions #selftosoul #plantmedicine #Help #healing #lettinggo |